Internet • #MacFoRcE • From the people who brought you #AciDWareZ (the elite only +i channel), #hackintosh, a contributer to #mactrade, we give you #MacFoRcE! #MacFoRcE (efnet) has been around for about a month or so now, founded by AREA_51 and sTreAm, and we hope it to grow and be apart of every mac warezers life like macfilez is. We have big dreams for the channel and many have already come to life and you can see them in macfilez. First was to provide warez. Well that adventure is ever and you can see the evidence of that in macfilez. We have placed 2 DCC offering bots in macfilez for all to leech along with a private DCC "Net-Tech" in #MacFoRcE. Net-Tech is a unique bot which not only offers some warez but does some sites. Any user may simply type: "/msg net-tech sites read" to read the sites or if you are generous enough to add one of your own we'd be glad to accept any FTP, WWW, or even Hotline sites. To add your site to net-tech type: "/msg net-tech sites add ". In the future we hope to have a irc server established along with a small ftp and maybe some free unix shells. We will be having a mailing list of channel info, net-tech sites and other warez info about the channel or emc. If you would like on the mailing list please talk to AREA_51 on irc. #MacFoRcE fully supports EMC and all of it's ventures. The channel has been come to known as a courier group (MacFoRcE Couriers) so if you would like to be a part of this please talk with AREA_51 or sTreAm. Please Make sure and check out the macforce web page (you can go on irc with it) at: We usually have some dynamic FTP or Hotline sites in the topic so drop by and see us! - AREA_51 #MacFoRcE • Pointcast Network • One of the cooler things I've come across lately. The Pointcast network provides convenient updates on just about everything imaginable (well, almost....). Everything from sports updates, internet updates, software updates, stock updates, US weather updates with color maps, horoscopes, lottery numbers, and the list goes on... Pointcast is its own individual program and is FREE. The thing I like about this service is that it updates automatically (by a schedule you select) or manually, and it retrieves all of the information for you in a couple of minutes. You can configure what information it gets, when. However, the application itself is kind of slow, but what can you expect from software that is version 0.9b? Not much, but it's very impressive for what it offers so far. If you're looking for something that gathers all of the info you want all in one program, this is for you. Sound interesting? Check it out: -Freakman